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Privacy Statement

Fontys University of Applied Sciences processes the personal data of its contacts, students and staff members in order to fulfil its duties as a Dutch institution of higher education. We treat your privacy and personal data with care. And we want to be perfectly clear about that.

What personal data do we store from our contacts and why? 

  • If you have signed up for an elective study activity for one or more Fontys study programme(s) or courses, we use your personal data to inform you about the event. For example to confirm your registration for an open day and to send you the programme. We also ask you to rate the event afterwards. Our aim is to use your assessment to further improve our elective study activities.
    If you click on “keep me informed”, we will inform you about other Fontys activities and subjects that may be of interest to you. Examples include admissions, lottery selections and/or registrations. We do this in a personalised way, reflecting your prior education and stated interests. And always with the aim of supporting you in making the right (study) choices!

  • If you are part of the Fontys alumni, have registered with a Fontys alumni network or for an activity or the Fontys professional network newsletter,  and if you have granted us permission, we will use your data to keep you informed of related developments and events within your stated field or area of interest and for the purpose of sharing knowledge and/or increasing your career opportunities.

  • If an organisation has registered with Fontys for an (practical) assignment (internship/post-graduate programme), the organisation and contact person's data is stored in our contacts system, in order to make these assignments available to students from the appropriate Fontys study programmes. 

  • If you are studying at Fontys, we use your personal data to faciliatate proper and personalised supervision of your studies, and to comply with the legal requirements for higher education. For example, we are obliged to report to DUO those who are registered with us and those who have received a diploma for a study programme.

  • If you work at Fontys, we use your personal data to comply with applicable legislation, such as salary payments, fiscal requirements and pension payments, as well as for implementing the Fontys internal staffing policy and for staff administration.

Data registers Fontys
In the data registers Fontys (pdf) you find the records of processing activities for: relations of Fontys, students and other education participants.
If you have any questions about privacy and personal data, please contact the Fontys customer contact centre.

If you no longer wish to receive information or the newsletter from Fontys, you are free to unsubscribe. To do so, use the 'unsubscribe' link in the email or newsletter you received from Fontys. You may also send an email to or call 08850 80000.

Who should you contact if you have questions?

Fontys has appointed a data protection officer to maintain an independent overview of the protection of personal data.  If you have questions about how Fontys deals with your personal data, please contact us by email. 

Your privacy rights
If you would like to exercise your privacy rights in order to view, amend or remove your personal data, for example, please contact:

Fontys will respond to your request with a written reply to the email address provided as soon as possible and within a maximum of four weeks.

What arrangements does Fontys have in place to secure personal data?

Fontys ensures proper security of personal data by taking the appropriate technical and organisational measures. We make use of modern technical IT resources, such as disk encryption, two-factor authentication and vulnerability scanning.

Fontys treats your privacy and personal data with care. Only users with the specific authority to do so have access to personal data. The security of personal data is a constant point of focus within Fontys. We carry out annual risk analyses and programmes to raise awareness of the subject.

Fontys never sells personal data to third parties. Fontys never provides personal data, unless the law requires this or unless the person whose data is concerned has granted their permission to do so. The fundamental principle is that data are not to be provided on request, not even to parents of students, partners, etc.

If Fontys makes use of external service providers to perform tasks, Fontys requires these external service providers or processors to comply with the legal framework for the protection of personal data to the same extent as it does.

In the context of registering and obtaining a diploma, personal details are provided to DUO. Regarding the monitoring of the connection between schools of higher education, intermediate vocational education schools and Fontys, the university links the results achieved by students to the schools which the students attended on an annual basis. The students grant permission for this during their registration.

Are you aware of a weak point in our information systems?
Please let us know!
Despite every effort in providing careful security with regard to our information systems, there are always points for improvement. Fontys also has a clear process in place in this respect. Anyone outside Fontys can report an vulnerability through the Fontys Responsible disclosure page by filling in the online report form.
Employees and students of Fontys are requested to report this directly to Fontys (via

Also, if you have hacking expertise and would like to test our systems, for example in the context of your studies, please contact the Fontys Information & Privacy Office ( for further information.

People on photos/videos of Fontys events
Generic photos are taken to convey the atmosphere at Fontys events. We use these on our website and on social media. If you find a photo/video of yourself and you would prefer not to have it displayed,  please let us know and we will arrange for it to be removed. 

Fontys website and cookies:
On and, we make use of cookies to improve the user experience of our websites and to display (Fontys) advertisements. You can find complete information on this, including the cookies for which we require your permission, in the Fontys Cookie Statement.